Getting Started

Get up and running with your OnlyCat.

Thank you for purchasing your OnlyCat

We’ve put our hearts and souls into delivering our vision for the world’s best cat flap.

We couldn’t have done it without the early and ongoing support from our backers. Thank you!

Installation Guide

See our step-by-step guides for installing into wall, door & glass. OnlyCat is an easy drop-in upgrade for most cat flaps.

Install The OnlyCat App

The OnlyCat app is available on the Apple App Store (for iPhone) and on Google Play (for Android devices). The app is used to configure your cat flap and stay connected with your cats.

Any questions?

If you need any help with your installation, have any questions, or simply fancy a chat about OnlyCat, please reach out to us. We’re here to help.

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  • Production schedule
  • App enhancements
  • Firmware updates


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