OnlyCat Reviews

Don’t just take our word for it, here’s what our customers have to say.

Crispian T
Crispian TEmail
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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We have just returned home from a week away, in Vermont to a house devoid of wildlife 🙂

Walter tried to bring in prey on six different occasions while we were away- and was denied access every time. It was such a blast to wake up and sit on my deck hundreds of miles away and drink coffee and watch the videos of Walter trying unsuccessfully to bring in rodents (and then to see him come back later, without anything in his mouth, and be allowed in).

You have created something wonderful!
Andrew T
Andrew TComment
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I'm similarly impressed. The system has only been foiled once and the amazing team at onlycat instantly fed that learning into the machine. My two are prolific, murderous trash pandas and barring when they work together, my hallway no longer smells of death and rotting frankfurters. 😆
Mo V
Mo V16 April
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Ready, steady... Gone!
OnlyCat installed and working great. Both cats happy with the switch from Sureflap. Support has been excellent and the build quality is great.
L Porquoi
L Porquoi
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So happy with this purchase...After most days coming home finding mice,rats on my carpets. I love my cat but I couldn't cope with the presents, now I feel so much better.
I can now just find these presents outside and deal with it ...
My cat tried to bring a bird in other day, and the flap did exactly what it was supposed to - I was so happy!

Very good investment, I'm so happy, the team have been great also answering my emails I had alot of questions!
Thank you 😊
Clive R
Clive REmail
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The cat flap has been working well and had prevented several “gifts” being brought in for us, some so small I was amazed that the camera saw them. We are very impressed.
Sam G
Sam GComment
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I still get childishly excited whenever I see contraband detected on my app (and I've had many of them!), it's a hell of a feeling, knowing what you've avoided having to chase/cleanup ❤️❤️❤️
Darcey's Mum
Darcey's Mum
Trust Pilot
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Since being installed in May 2024 i have had zero gifts in the house. At least 100 attempts have all been detected, the product is fantastic. Well worth the wait. The team are quick to respond to any questions, they really know their product. Thank you for changing our lives!
Dick van de Kamp
Dick van de KampEmail
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I must say that i'm very enthusiastic about Only Cat! In the short period installed it already prevented a few times unwanted prey, so many thanks for bringing this product to market.
Katie G
Katie G11 June
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I was sceptical - but this gadget is turning out to be a godsend! OnlyCat even contacted me to get all set up with my cats names etc, cannot fault the service so far. Mittens and Marmalade are just over 1 year old and in their prime, we have fields at the back of the house and honestly the remnants everywhere when I got home from work was starting to really grind me down. £400 seemed like a big gamble but I can honestly say it's thwarted every attempt so far and my carpets are forever grateful. 🙏
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Yes, all setup and really easy. Just worked straight away. After only a few nights our cat tried to bring in prey and it was identified and stopped. He tried again a few days later, twice, and again he was stopped. So far it's working better than expected.
Amanda S
Amanda SIndiegogo
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As you are probably aware, my OnlyCat is continuing to be a great success, correctly rejecting contraband and unwanted feline intruders while allowing my cats unfettered luggage-free access... I'm so glad to be removing a pile of corpses from outside the back door now instead of from various hidey-holes around the house!
Fatima B
Fatima B
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A device that’s given me my life back. Free to finally enjoy outings and holidays without worrying. No more living in fear. The Onlycat team is amazing.
Sarah C
Sarah C
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I cannot recommend this product highly enough. Our cat tried 16 times the other morning to bring a gift in. Waking up and looking at the app to see we have avoided midnight carnage is just amazing. The company are incredibly helpful and responsive. Just can't thank them enough!
Darren S
Darren SPost
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Ps the onlycat has been so reliable, it’s unbelievable. Best. Thing. Ever.
Christopher R
Christopher RComment
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Had ours for just over a month. It’s been a complete game changer in that we can sleep at night knowing Opal won’t be bringing any ‘friends’ back for a party in our bedroom! We now find the bodies on the driveway instead…
Matt Isaac
Matt IsaacIndiegogo
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We’ve had ours for about a month now and I can say is this has been flawless. No mice or birds at all and lots of “access denied”. Worth every penny
Sarah T
Sarah T11 May
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Quick shoutout to the OC team who have been AMAZING on support (late and weekend hours). Not only a great product but great customer service too. 😍
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I have to say this invention is incredible and my home life has changed overnight, if there is anything I can do to review, post or comment please just let me know.
Paul H
Paul HEmail
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Dear team. I use onlycat for several weeks now. Almost everyday, your product saves me from bringing in [prey]. With this email I want to express my gratitude to the team. The product cat flap works as a charm!!!! Thank you so much!!
Louise T
Louise T
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Since this was installed only two weeks ago our home life has changed significantly. Finding live and half-eaten prey all round my house on a daily basis was getting me down. I used to dread coming home from work or waking up to what i was going to find. That worry has gone and with a small child i was worrying from a hygiene perspective. I had tried everything possible, collars with big bells, - he chewed them off, locking him in at night - he cried all night long, he just wanted to be out doing what cats do. This catflap means i can see my cats movements with the exit/entry footage, I know if he is in or out, how long he is out when he is roaming, its given me a better sense of his routine. An alert is sent if the catflap detects and or even suspects prey is close to the catflap. I cannot recommend this product enough. I purchased the full subscription package and its the best money I have spent in a long time.
Alison P
Alison PComment
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It certainly is life changing for us cat owners 😁
Martin K
Martin KEmail
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OnlyCat continues to work its magic for us. I have been singing its praises to my work colleagues, one of whom has a cattery in France, and he is going to pass it on to his customers. So, if you start to get orders from the continent, that may be why.
Amanda J
Amanda J
Trust Pilot
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Amazing product, the best investment I’ve made in years. This works, the inventors are brilliant at communication. I love the fact that not only does this product stop my cat from bringing in its prey, I can also track my cats movements day or night. My cat does not have other visiting cats or foxes through the cat flap. It may seem expensive but it’s worth every penny, knowing that you’re not going to be chasing that gift around your home for the next few days, or finding it dumped on your bed in the middle of the night😳 Peace of mind is priceless. Thank you to the team of OnlyCat.

Stay connected. Feel relieved.

Learn more about the OnlyCat microchip cat flap with prey detection. App enabled, with video notifications, OnlyCat puts you in control and stops the delivery of unwanted gifts.

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